Tuesday 23 March 2010


Are you browsing this Blog because you should be doing something else, but haven't got round to starting yet?!
  • Just another five minutes and I'll start.
  • I'll just make myself a cup of tea
  • I'll just post a blog (this one's me!)
If this strikes a chord then you are..... P R O C R A S T I N A T I N G ! !

I'm the world's worst! Here's the situation:

I'm on annual leave from work. I'm a manager and paramedic in an NHS ambulance trust and so there's always lots to do.

March always comes along and I always have loads of leave to take. If we don't take it before the end of March - we lose it. To make matters worse - I-m also studying for a MSc, distance learning from Leicester University and my essay is due in two weeks' time!

So, here I am, on annual leave. I've still got work things to do (typing up staff appraisals and filling in a Cabinet Office on-line survey) and I really ought to be cracking on with my essay. But, I'm in the house on my own and I'm doing everything other than what I should be!!

So, I have now got this out of my system  -and I really must crack on with what I should be doing.

1 comment:

  1. You're right John.
    I've come downstairs to get a cup of tea - but I'm not even thirsty!!!


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